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Procountor API connector

Intergration module between Odoo and Procountor using Procountor API functionality.

Table of contents



Module adds connectivity to Procountor with Procountor API. Following data are supported:

From Odoo to Procountor

  • Sales invoices
  • Partners (Procountor business partners)
  • Products

From Procountor to Odoo

  • Payments for sales invoices created in Odoo

Procountor API documentation



How to configure connection [back]

Procountor API connection settings can be found in SprintIT Integration Center module.

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A Procountor connection with default settings including Client ID and Secret are created when you install the module.
Please use these two SprintIT specific settings for your production connection.

If you need multiple connections for example for multiple companies you can duplicate the connection.

SprintIT has an internal testing environment which is used for developing new features. In case you need your own test environment it can be requested from here: Order a new test environment
Please make sure to request linking it to the SprintIT testing environment for smooth collaboration. something wrong with module.template.image record

Setting up the connection

  • To set up connection you first have to Create API key in Procountor.
  • Procountor instructions (Finnish) how to create API key. This connector users M2M authentication. For Client ID use the value from the pre-created default setting.
  • Put the created API key to API key column.
  • Test connection
  • Fetch VAT settings from Sending options tab
  • Fetch Procountor customers can be used to import customer information and Procountor ID from Procountor to Odoo partners.
  • Fetch Procountor products can be used to import products information and Procountor ID from Procountor to Odoo products.
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    Selecting the Procountor connection for Odoo company

  • In Odoo company settings select the Integration tab. Select the connection with the company's API key.
  • If you have multiple companies for example test company, create own connection setting for it with its own API key.
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    Sending options

    Below is an overview of configurable sending options. Details are shown by hovering over the question mark inside the application.
    Most new features are added here and it is recommended to check this menu regularly and especially during setup.

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    Fetching options

  • Payment fetching will fetch payments to sales invoices that have been sent to Procountor and are not yet paid.
  • Auto fetch payments will create Scheduled action that will fetch payments to invoices periodically.
  • Specifying Fetching start or end time you can limit the payment to be fetched. Limitation is done based on invoices sent to Procountor date field.
  • Last time payment fetched is time when fetch has to be done. It doesn't affect the functionality.
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    How to configure VAT settings[back]

    VAT settings have to be matched within Odoo and Procountor for these to work correctly. Procountor settings are fetched from Procountor by Fetch VAT setting functionality in Procountor connection settings.

    Fiscal positions

  • For every Fiscal position Procountor VAT status should be specified. If not specified Domestic will be used.
  • Procountor VAT status specified for Fiscal Position will effect on invoice level. If VAT statuses for invoice lines are needed they has to specified per tax rate. This is normally the case with EU goods and services.
  • If the company pays taxes to different countries than its own then Procountor VAT country has to be specified. When VAT country is different than company's then only Domestic VAT status is allowed.
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  • If Procountor VAT statuses are needed per invoice row, these have to be specified in Taxes -> Advanced tab.
  • This is normally the case with EU goods and services.
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    How to configure Payment state [back]

    In case the Odoo Accounting module is used instead of the Invoicing module, there is an additional payment state "In Payment" that should be bypassed since it does not make any sense to use it with the Procountor connector. something wrong with module.template.image record Setting the Incoming and Outgoing payments accounts to the same on the used bank journal makes Odoo directly use the "Paid" status, which is more clear.

    How to import Procountor customers[back]

    If customer information is also needed in Procountor, then the create customers option should be used. Before starting to use this function customers in Procountor have to be imported to Odoo as partners. Alternatively, if some of the customers already exits in Odoo then Procountor ID has to be updated for these. These can be fetched using the Fetch Procountor Customers functionality.

    Fetch Customers

  • Fetch customers functionality will fetch all the customers from Procountor whose Procountor ID doesn't exist for partners in Odoo
  • Fetched customers will be displayed for users. From this you can insert customers or update customers Procountor ID.
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    Find Odoo partners

  • Find Odoo partners will try to find if customers already exists in Odoo as partners.
  • Search is done using business id, eInvoice address and email information.
  • If partner is found it will be selected and action will be changed to Update with id. If customers have other address, then the action will be changed to do nothing because these should already exist as partners.
  • If partner is not found its action will be selected as Add to partners. This will create customer as a new partner.
  • If customer has separate billing or delivery address these will be displayed as own Contact/address here.
  • You have to make needed changes here before putting these as partners.
  • Create/update partners

  • Create/update partners will handle selected rows with action selected.
  • Action - Do nothing: Will skip this row.
  • Action - Update with id: Will put Procountor ID for selected partner.
  • Action - Add to partners. Will create customer as a new partner and also other contact/address if it exists.
  • How to import Procountor products[back]

    If product information is needed also in Procountor then create product option is used. Before starting to use this function products in Procountor have to be imported to Odoo as products or if some of the products already exists in Odoo as products then Procountor ID have to be updated for these. This can be done by fetch Procountor Products functionality.

    Fetch Products

  • Fetch products functionality will fetch all the products from Procountor where Procountor ID doesn't exist in Odoo.
  • Fetched products will be displayed for users. From this you can insert products or update products Procountor ID.
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    Find Odoo products

  • Find Odoo products will try to find if products already exist in Odoo.
  • Search is done using Internal reference, Barcode or Name.
  • If product is found it will be selected and action will be changed to Update with id.
  • If product is not found it's action will be selected as Add to products. This will create a new product.
  • You have to make needed changes here before putting these in as products.
  • Create/update products

  • Create/update products will handle selected rows with action selected.
  • Action - Do nothing: Will skip this row.
  • Action - Update with id: Will put Procountor ID for selected products.
  • Action - Add to products. Will create customer as a new product.
  • Sending sales invoices and credit notes[back]

    Invoices and credit notes can be sent one by one or by sending all unsent. These can be sent to Procountor only once. If there are changes to invoice or credit note it cannot be resent / updated. These situations have to be handled manually.

    To send one invoice or credit note you can use the Send to Procountor button in invoice/credit note view.

    To send multiple invoices or credit notes to Procountor you can use the invoice or credit note list view. Select which invoices/notes you want to send and select Action -> Send selected invoices to Procountor- There is also ready made filter Not sent to Procountor which can be used to send all not sent invoices.

    Fetching payments [back]

    Fetching payments can be done for one invoice, multiple invoices or run as a Scheduled action. Only positive payments are fetched. Fetching doesn't handle special cases that can be done in Procountor. For example removing payment etc., these situations have to be handled manually. After invoice has been marked as paid in Odoo no payment information is fetched for it.

    For the payment fetching to work Journals have to be created in Odoo. One journal of type Bank and another with type Cash. These will be used when importing payments.

    To fetch payment for one invoice use the Fetch Procountor payments button in invoice view. The button will be available if invoice has been successfully sent to Procountor.

    To fetch payments for multiple invoices invoice list can be used. Select the invoices for which you want to fetch payments for and select Action -> Fetch Procountor Payments.

    The Scheduled action fetches payments for all the invoices that have been sent to Procountor but are not yet paid.

    Fetching vendor bills [back]

    With normal Process with external accounting, vendor bills are managed in Procountor (accepting bills, paymemts).

    However, sometimes it is useful to have vendor billd imported to Odoo as well, usually for reporting purposes. E.g. if you want to report project profitability on Odoo side, you need external costs to be visible also in Odoo, as costs on a project.

    For this purpose, functionality for fetching accepted vendor bills to Odoo is available in Connector. To import bills you need to activate transfer in Connector settings and select a Journal into which the vendor bills are imported. Please note that accounts must match on each side. Connector gets the bill line accounts from the Procountor Ledger information and if same accounts don't exist in Odoo, the transfer fails.

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